Absorbable PGA Suture
Component parts£ºEthanoic Acid¡¢Lactic Acid
Construction£ºStranded Tight Braid
Absorption£ºBy single resolving of water
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
straight cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ 30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Ethylene Oxygen.
Chromic Catgut ( Absorbable ) Suture
Component parts£ºComposed by purified animal
intesiness(cattle and sheep)
Construction: Monofilament£¬Smooth Suture Surface
Absorption£ºAbsorb by protease decomposition
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP6/0-4££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Plain Catgut ( Absorbable ) Suture
Component parts£ºComposed by purified animal
intesiness (cattle and sheep)
Structure£ºMonofilament£¬Smooth Suture Surface
Absorption£ºAbsorb by protease decomposition
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP6/0-4££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Silk ( Braided ) Suture
Component part£ºNatural Silk
Structure£ºBraided strands
Absorption: Non-absorbable
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP6/0-2££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ (8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Nylon ( Non-absorbable ) Suture
Component parts£ºPolypropylene£¨Nylon£©
Structure£ºMonofilament£¬Smooth Suture Surface
Absorption£ºNon- absorbable
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP10/0-3££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø£¨¨‹ 8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Polypropylene Suture
Component part£ºPolypropylene
Structure£ºMonofilament£¬Smooth Suture Surface
Absorption£ºNon- absorbable
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP10/0-3££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Polyester ( Braided ) Suture
Component part£ºPolyester
Structure£ºStrands braided
Diameters of sutures£º USP5/0-2££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ (8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ (8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ (30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation
Stainless Steel Wire
Component part£ºPolypropylene
Structure£ºMonofilament£¬Smooth Suture Surface
Absorption£ºNon- absorbable
Diameters of sutures£ºUSP10/0-3££
Types of Needle Shape£º1/2circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
3/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ £¨8mm-60mm£©
5/8circle ¡ñ¡ð¡ø¨‹ (8mm-60mm£©
Straight Cutting ¡ñ¡ð¡ø ¨‹ £¨30mm-90mm£©
Sterilization: Sterilized by Gamma Radiation